Unique House In Madrid Made Of Three Floating Cylinders

Each firm and each home is unique but some put their uniqueness on display more than others. Casa Tobogan is the type of house that pretty much makes you lot rethink everything yous knew well-nigh family homes and strength your mind outside the box. It's easy to understand why.

Casa Tobogan architecture View in gallery

Casa Tobogan was a projection by Z4Z4 AAA, an architecture studio directed past Rafael Beneytez which lately focuses a lot on weightlessness and everything related to the principle, their goal being to redefine ordinary aspects of life and put an accent on details that are frequently disregarded in traditional architecture.

Casa Tobogan side facade View in gallery
Casa Tobogan exterior shell View in gallery

The clients wanted their new home to exist a representation of their trips around the world and to be connected to a large garden and then they can feel immersed in nature. Autonomously from this desire to live in a garden, the clients also wanted the house to celebrate domestic life.

Casa Tobogan front yard View in gallery
Casa Tobogan cross beams View in gallery

The structure of this unique house is quite unusual. It's as if two different houses were built on the same plot. This differentiation comes from the fact that the basis level and the upper floor are very dissimilar from ane another.

Casa Tobogan entrance area View in gallery

The ground floor is linked to the soil and shares a strong connexion with nature in this sense. The upper flooring it connected to the garden and focuses more on the views, being suspended and supported by columns and pillars.

Casa Tobogan back yard View in gallery
Casa Tobogan pool View in gallery

The 2 volumes are very different in every sense. Their design, materiality, shape and weight are at the opposite poles. The basis floor is sheltered betwixt ii long concrete walls and houses two volumes connected past a hallway.

Casa Tobogan stones and stairs View in gallery

A big void separates it from the upper level. The void contains the entrance, car park and two staircases.

Casa Tobogan greenhouse View in gallery
Casa Tobogan ground floor View in gallery

The upper level is a double-height volume. it's made up of three empty cylinders wrapped in corrugated iron. The 3 cylinders house a total of nine rooms. This is where the private functions of the house are situated.

Casa Tobogan indoor plants View in gallery

The bedrooms and their balconies and terraces are protected from the elements and everything else by a delicate shell that gives the house a very lightweight wait despite its size and solid structure.

Casa Tobogan spiral staircase View in gallery
Casa Tobogan upper floor shell View in gallery

Long defunction hibernate the interior on both the ground and upper floor, creating a cozy and intimate ambiance inside the house. Two gardens, ane at the forepart and one at the back, connect the interior spaces to nature in a sleek and elegant way.

Casa Tobogan upper floor terrace View in gallery

At the back of the business firm there's also a swimming pool situated across from a dark-green lawn department and a wooden deck. In between the 2 gardens there's a greenhouse area. Trees and plants grow within the house, piercing the floor and bringing the freshness and beauty of nature indoors.

Casa Tobogan structure


Source: https://www.homedit.com/unique-house-in-madrid/

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